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Hard tussock

Hard tussock

Regular price $5.00
Regular price Sale price $5.00
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Festuca novae zealandiae 

Hard tussock


Stunning grass en masse. Needle thin erect leaves green to blonde. Tolerates poor soil, dry conditions

ABOUT: This tussock still holds strong connection to the kiwi landscape, epitomising iconic kiwi back-country farms.

40cm x 40cm. A dense-clumping grass that performs its best in dry, windy and cold situations. Leaf blades are straw-coloured and tightly rolled, feeling rough to the touch.

USE: A bold-accent tussock, best planted in groups and as the only grass in the planting. The pale leaves accentuate sunlight and frosts, and are offset well when planted in front of darker plants.

SOWING: Surface sow seeds evenly across some dampened seed raising mix. Keep moist and position in a well-lit area (6-8hrs/day) until germination occurs in 14-21 days

PLANT: Very low maintenance, requiring low humidity, full sun and dry, poor soil. Tolerates a little shade, and some moisture. Does fine on sand dunes. Keep planted back from where lawnmowers can get caught up in the leaves.

100 seeds per packet 

Seeds may be refrigerated up to12 months until ready to be sown

30 page illustrated Propagation guide included via email with this sale

Please ensure correct courier delivery is selected to avoid delay & disappointment

Check out rabbitracer's other native seed listings for riparian zones, habitat restoration, and mass planting:

RIPARIAN ZONES (Preservation of ponds, streams, swamps, and wetlands)

CONSERVATION / HABITAT RESTORATION (marginal farmland, slips, gullies, erosion control)


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