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Elaeocarpus denatured



HABITAT Lowland canopy tree of regenerating forest. Height from 12m in full sun to 35m in dense bush. Prefers a deep moist soil with thick humus layer and neutral-slightly acidic PH typical in secondary forest. Dislikes roots submerged in water. Long-lived tree up to 500 years where possums are absent

Unthreatened but uncommon tree in urban NZ. Mostly confined to native forest remnants.

FLOWERS & FRUIT In spring hinau puts on a show covering the tree in small white flowers that develop into olive-like drupes by winter. Fallen fruit makes a large part of rats and possums diet in native forest. The stone is impermeable, heavily furrowed and contains one seed in each. As with other native drupes (miro/matai/tawa) time, moisture, and weathering are the key ingredients in breaking double dormancy. Patience required. Expect 18+ months for germination

SEEDLING DEVELOPMENT Juvenile plants have long thin green leaves with serrated margins similar to rewarewa. Seedlings tolerate heavy shade where they are protected from extreme conditions. Do not overwater seedlings. Protection from frost, slugs, and snails required Expect 15cm growth in first year

30 seeds per packet 

Seeds may be refrigerated up to12 months until ready to be sown

30 page illustrated Propagation guide included via email with this purchase

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Check out rabbitracer's other native seed listings for riparian zones, habitat restoration, and mass planting:

RIPARIAN ZONES (Preservation of ponds, streams, swamps, and wetlands)

CONSERVATION / HABITAT RESTORATION (marginal farmland, slips, gullies, erosion control)


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