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Black mamaku fern

Black mamaku fern

Regular price $5.00
Regular price Sale price $5.00
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Cyathea medullaris

Black mamaku



Secondary succession planting

Riparian / wetland preservation


New Zealand's largest, tallest, fastest growing native fern. Occurs naturally in wetter, milder parts of the country often lowland river valleys and foggy mountain ranges.

Fronds reach up to 5m in every direction. Reaches heights up to 20 metres in forest after many years.

Tolerant of wet conditions, full-sun, part-sun or heavy shade under existing vegetation.


Before sowing, pour a couple of jugs of boiling water through potting mix, cover and stand overnight .

Lightly spread sori material over mix, mist well and cover with glass. Place in a light, cool position (bathroom window sill works well).

Regularly moisten to prevent mix drying out until gametophytes begin to form after 3-4 months. (reproductive phase)

Sporophytes emerge at around 6 months. Carefully transplant to PB3/4 planter bags and grow on until roots emerge at base before potting on to PB3 bags

Protect during first summer and winter under shade cloth

Protection from slugs required during first year

1,000+ spoke per packet

Seeds may be refrigerated up to12 months until ready to be sown

30 page illustrated Propagation guide included via email with this purchase

Please ensure correct courier delivery is selected to avoid delay & disappointment

Check out rabbitracer's other native seed listings for riparian zones, habitat restoration, and mass planting:

RIPARIAN ZONES (Preservation of ponds, streams, swamps, and wetlands)

CONSERVATION / HABITAT RESTORATION (marginal farmland, slips, gullies, erosion control)

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